"My dear, if you could give me a cup of tea to clear my muddle of a head I should better understand your affairs."~Charles Dickens

Friday, January 21, 2011

Don't be shy!

Feel free to leave comments here on the blog or email me at DMCOBoyle@aol.com with your questions about living the Catholic faith. I have questions from readers which I'll answer as time permits.

But, I thought I'd take a moment now to invite you all to ask a question, leave a comment, and also to feel welcome to be a "follower" of this blog.

I hope to visit for a cup of tea soon...

God bless!


  1. Lovely! My first question is, "When are you coming to the midwest for tea?" :)

  2. Hi Karen!

    Hmm, good question, Karen. Once I know, would you like me to bring the tea and you can boil the water? Do you have any honey? :)

  3. Donna,I like your blog.

  4. Donna,I like your blog.

  5. Thank you very much, Sigrid. I hope you'll visit again soon!
