Who will you "have a cup of tea" with today? Will it be someone in your neighborhood who needs a hand with some snow shoveling (for folks in the colder parts)? Might it be a relative you haven't talked to in some time and who would love to hear your voice over the phone? Could it be a single mother you know who could use help watching her kids so she can get out to the grocery store? Will it be someone in your own household who would love to spend some one-on-one time with you playing a game, or having a conversation together?
It's a great day to extend our hands and hearts to someone who needs us in some way. As Blessed Mother Teresa has said, "Small things done with great love bring love and peace." The littlest act of charity can change a heart. God wants to use us today to radiate His love to others.
I will be back soon to have a cup of tea with you. In the meantime, I hope you have a truly BLESSED day!